Share your story

Tell us about your experience with social work mobility. We’re gathering stories to help us learn more about social workers who have gotten new licenses, whether it’s for relocating or practicing in another state or province.

By sharing your story, you grant ASWB permission to publish your submission on ASWB reserves the right to edit submissions for length and clarity, and not all submissions will be published.

Please enter your full name, including your license (e.g., Jane Smith, LSW)
Please provide your email so that we can follow up with you if we have any questions.
Please tell us the number of states or provinces where you have ever held a social work license:
Have you maintained licenses in more than one jurisdiction? Do you live in one jurisdiction but work in another? Have you moved to another jurisdiction since you earned your social work license? We want to hear about your experience applying for new licenses, maintaining multiple licenses, and dealing with licensing throughout your professional career.
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